Minimum Wage

Caragh Bailey
2 min read
minimum wage advice from employment law friend

If you are not being paid at least minimum wage, your employer may be breaking the law.

National minimum wage 2021

These rates apply from 1st April 2021. Previously the National Living Wage applied to those aged 25 and above

Minimum wage aged 23 or over
Minimum wage aged 21-22
Minimum wage aged 18-20
Minimum wage aged under 18
Minimum wage for Apprentices
This is the national living wage
This is the national minimum wage
You must stay in full or part time education or training until you are 18
If you are under 19
Or; In the first year of apprenticeship

National minimum wage 2022

These rates apply from 6th April 2022.

Minimum wage aged 23 or over
Minimum wage aged 21-22
Minimum wage aged 18-20
Minimum wage aged under 18
Minimum wage for Apprentices
This is the national living wage
This is the national minimum wage
You must stay in full or part time education or training until you are 18
If you are under 19
Or; In the first year of apprenticeship
Apprentices who have completed the first year of their apprenticeship aged 19 or over are entitled to the correct minimum wage for their age.

National minimum wage 2023

The government have announced that national living wage will increase by 9.7% to £10.42 on the 1st of April 2023. According to this announcement NLW is on track to reach the government's target of two-thirds of current median earnings by 2024. Minimum wage for 16-22 year olds will also see an increase.

Am I entitled to minimum wage?

Most adult workers and employees in the UK are entitled to statutory minimum wage by law.

Not including:
  • Part-time workers
  • Casual labourers
  • Agency workers
  • Workers and homeworkers paid by the number of items they make
  • Trainees, workers on probation
  • Disabled workers
  • Agricultural workers
  • Foreign workers
  • Seafarers
  • Offshore workers
  • Apprentices who have completed the first year of their apprenticeship
  • Self-employed people, running their own business
  • Company directors
  • Volunteers or voluntary workers
  • Workers on a government employment programme
  • Members of the armed forces
  • Family members of the employer, living in the employers home
  • Non-family members living in the employers home, if they share in work and leisure activities and are treated as a family member. They don’t pay for meals or accommodation.
  • Students on work experience or work placement (up to their first year)
  • People shadowing others at work
  • Workers on government pre-apprenticeship schemes
  • People on the Leonardo da Vinci Programme
  • People on the Erasmus + programme
  • People on the Comenius programme
  • People working on a Jobcentre Plus work trial (up to their first 6 weeks)
  • Share fishermen
  • Prisoners
  • People living and working in a religious community.

Are you being paid below the national minimum wage?

If you’re entitled to minimum wage but your contract of employment states your rate of pay to be below the appropriate minimum wage, this is not legally binding. Your employer must pay you minimum wage and update your contract accordingly. Ask us how we can help.

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